Usage Examples

Chump’s meant to be easy to use. Sending a message is just as simple as in the example above, but there’s more you can do.

Creating and sending a message yourself

If you’d like to send messages yourself, just swap out send_message() for create_message():

>>> message = user.create_message("Happy birthday, chuck!")
>>> message.is_sent,
(False, None)
>>> message.send()
>>> message.is_sent,, str(message.sent_at)
(True, 'fZSrekCvxi2vnpVADWBNchAGrllDi4cZ', '1993-12-17 06:03:45+00:00')

Sending messages with additional parameters

Chump supports all the message parameters outlined in Pushover’s API Docs. Any of these parameters can be optionally supplied as kwargs:

>>> message = user.create_message(
...     title="No Crackers, Gromit!",
...     message="<b>We've forgotten the crackers!</b>",
...     html=True,
...     sound='intermission'
... )
>>> (str(message), message.sound)
('(No Crackers, Gromit!) <b>We've forgotten the crackers!</b>', 'intermission')

And Chump will raise the appropriate exceptions if your kwargs violate the API restrictions:

>>> message = user.create_message(
...     "Gromit, we have a problem!"
...     sound='this is not a sound'
... )
ValueError: Bad sound: must be in ('alien', 'bike', 'bugle',
        'cashregister', 'classical', 'climb', 'cosmic', 'echo', 'falling',
        'gamelan', 'incoming', 'intermission', 'magic', 'mechanical', 'none',
        'persistent', 'pianobar', 'pushover', 'siren', 'spacealarm', 'tugboat',
        'updown'), was 'this is not a sound'

All parameters are exposed as attributes in the Message, so you can change them later.

Sending an emergency message

Pushover’s emergency messages have a few additions over standard messages. They require dismissal from the user, and if not dismissed they’ll keep popping up every retry seconds until timeout seconds from when they were sent. When the user acknowledges the message, callback will be pinged by Pushover’s servers, but you can also check in on the message’s status by calling poll():

>>> message = user.send_message(
...     "Do something, Gromit!",
...     priority=chump.EMERGENCY
... )
>>> message.is_sent,, message.is_acknowledged
(True, 'eChnqsE5nZyefIbTVMuS9cfDV77mMaN9', False)
>>> message.poll()
>>> str(message.acknowledged_at)
'1995-12-24 06:10:39+00:00'

poll() returns True whilst the message has not been acknowledged, so you can use it cleanly as a condition in while loops.