Source code for chump

# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-

from __future__ import division, absolute_import, print_function, unicode_literals

import logging
import re
import warnings
from calendar import timegm
from datetime import datetime, timedelta
from email.utils import parsedate_tz

try: import ujson as json
except ImportError: import json

from .connection_pool import pool

try: # Python 3
	from urllib.error import HTTPError
	from urllib.parse import urlencode
	unicode = basestring = str

except ImportError: # Python 2
	from urllib import urlencode
	from urllib2 import HTTPError
	def bytes(s, encoding=None, errors=None): return s.encode(encoding, errors)

VERSION = (1, 6, 0)

__title__ = 'Chump'
__version__ = '.'.join((unicode(i) for i in VERSION))
__author__ = 'Karan Lyons'
__contact__ = ''
__homepage__ = ''
__license__ = 'Apache 2.0'
__copyright__ = 'Copyright 2013 Karan Lyons'

logger = logging.getLogger(__name__)

try: # pytz installed
	from pytz import utc
	def utc_now(): return utc.localize(datetime.utcnow())
	def epoch_to_datetime(e): return utc.localize(datetime.utcfromtimestamp(int(e)))

except ImportError:
	try: # dateutil installed
		from import tzutc
		utc = tzutc()
	except ImportError:
		try: # Python >= 3.2
			from datetime import timezone
			utc = timezone.utc
		except ImportError: # Python < 3.2
			from datetime import tzinfo
			class UTC(tzinfo):
				ZERO = timedelta(0)
				def utcoffset(self, dt): return self.ZERO
				def tzname(self, dt): return 'UTC'
				def dst(self, dt): return self.ZERO
				def __unicode__(self): return 'UTC'
				__str__ = __unicode__
				def __repr__(self): return 'chump.UTC'
			utc = UTC()
	def utc_now(): return datetime.utcnow().replace(tzinfo=utc)
	def epoch_to_datetime(e): return datetime.utcfromtimestamp(int(e)).replace(tzinfo=utc)

def datetime_to_epoch(dt):
	if dt.tzinfo is not None: dt = dt.astimezone(utc)
	else: warnings.warn('Naïve datetime received: assuming UTC', RuntimeWarning)
	return timegm(dt.timetuple())

def http_date_to_datetime(d):
	d_tuple = parsedate_tz(d)
	if d_tuple is not None:
		return datetime(*d_tuple[:6]).replace(tzinfo=utc) - timedelta(seconds=d_tuple[9])

LOWEST = -2 #: Message priority: No sound, no vibration, no banner.
LOW = -1 #: Message priority: No sound, no vibration, banner.
NORMAL = 0 #: Message priority: Sound, vibration, and banner if outside of user's quiet hours.
HIGH = 1 #: Message priority: Sound, vibration, and banner regardless of user's quiet hours.
EMERGENCY = 2 #: Message priority: Sound, vibration, and banner regardless of user's quiet hours, and re-alerts until acknowledged.

TOKEN_RE = re.compile(r'^[a-zA-Z0-9]{30}$') # Matches correct application/user tokens.
DEVICE_RE = re.compile(r'^[A-Za-z0-9_-]{,25}$') # Matches correct device names.

	'message': {
		'method': 'post',
		'path': 'messages.json',
	'validate': {
		'method': 'post',
		'path': 'users/validate.json',
	'sound': {
		'method': 'get',
		'path': 'sounds.json',
	'receipt': {
		'method': 'get',
		'path': 'receipts/'
	'cancel': {
		'method': 'post',
		'path': 'receipts/'

[docs]class APIError(Exception): """ Pushover errors eponysterically end up here. :param string url: The URL of the original request. :param dict request: The original request payload. :param dict response: The ``json`` response from the endpoint. :param datetime timestamp: When this error was raised. """ def __init__(self, url, request, response, timestamp): self.url = url #: A :py:obj:`string` of the URL of the original request. self.request = request #: A :py:obj:`dict` of the original request payload. self.response = response #: A :py:obj:`dict` of the ``json`` response from the endpoint. self.timestamp = timestamp #: A :py:class:`~datetime.datetime` of when this error was raised. = self.response['request'] #: A :py:obj:`string` of the request's id. self.status = self.response['status'] #: An :py:obj:`int` of the status code. self.errors = self.response['errors'] #: A :py:obj:`list` of human readable error messages as :py:obj:`string`\s. #: A :py:class:`dict` of the request's original arguments that the endpoint didn't like as :py:obj:`string`\s and why, also as :py:obj:`string`\s. self.bad_inputs = { key: value for key, value in self.response.items() if key not in ('errors', 'status', 'receipt', 'request') } #: A :py:obj:`string` of the message's receipt if it was an emergency message, otherwise :py:obj:`None`. self.receipt = self.response.get('receipt', None) logger.debug('APIError raised. Endpoint response was {response}'.format(response=self.response)) def __unicode__(self): return "({id}) {errors}".format(, errors=", ".join(self.errors)) __str__ = __unicode__ def __repr__(self): return "APIError(url={url!r}, request={request!r}, response={response!r}, timestamp={timestamp!r})".format( url=self.url, request=self.request, response=self.response, timestamp=self.timestamp, )
[docs]class Application(object): """ The Pushover application in use. :param string token: The application's API token. """ def __init__(self, token): self.token = token #: A :py:obj:`string` of the application's API token. self._is_authenticated = None self._sounds = None self.limit = None #: If a message has been sent, an :py:obj:`int` of the application's monthly message limit, otherwise :py:obj:`None`. self.remaining = None #: If a message has been sent, an :py:obj:`int` of the application's remaining message allotment, otherwise :py:obj:`None`. self.reset = None #: If a message has been sent, :py:class:`~datetime.datetime` of when the application's monthly message limit will reset, otherwise :py:obj:`None`. @property def is_authenticated(self): """ A lazily loaded :py:obj:`bool` indicating whether the application is authenticated. """ if self._is_authenticated is None: self._authenticate() return self._is_authenticated @is_authenticated.setter def is_authenticated(self, value): self._is_authenticated = value @property def sounds(self): """ A lazily loaded :py:class:`dict` of available notification sounds if authenticated, otherwise :py:obj:`None`. """ if self._sounds is None and self._is_authenticated is not False: self._authenticate() return self._sounds @sounds.setter def sounds(self, value): self._sounds = value def __setattr__(self, name, value): if name == 'token': try: if not TOKEN_RE.match(value): raise ValueError('Bad application token: expected string matching r{pattern!r}, got {value!r}'.format(pattern=TOKEN_RE.pattern, value=value)) else: old_token = getattr(self, 'token', None) except TypeError: raise TypeError('Bad token: expected string, got {value_type}'.format(value_type=type(value))) super(Application, self).__setattr__(name, value) if name == 'token' and self.token != old_token: super(Application, self).__setattr__('_is_authenticated', None) super(Application, self).__setattr__('_sounds', None) def __unicode__(self): return "Pushover Application: {token}".format(token=self.token) __str__ = __unicode__ def __repr__(self): return 'Application(token={token!r})'.format(token=self.token) def __eq__(self, other): return isinstance(other, self.__class__) and self.token and self.token == other.token def __ne__(self, other): return not self.__eq__(other) def __lt__(self, other): return NotImplemented __le__ = __gt__ = __ge__ = __lt__ def _authenticate(self): """ Authenticates the supplied application token and populates available notification sounds. """ # We'll make a request for sounds (which we need to make regardless), # and if that error fails with a token error we know we're # unauthenticated. try: self._sounds = self._request('sound')[0]['sounds'] except APIError as error: if 'token' in error.bad_inputs: self._is_authenticated = False else: self._is_authenticated = True
[docs] def get_user(self, token): """ Returns a :class:`~chump.User` attached to the :class:`~chump.Application` instance. :param string token: User API token. :rtype: A :class:`~chump.User`. """ return User(self, token)
def _request(self, request, data=None, url=None): """ Handles the request/response cycle to Pushover's API endpoint. Request types are defined in :attr:`.requests`. :param string request: The type of request to make. One of 'message', 'validate', 'sound', 'receipt', or 'cancel'. :param dict data: (optional) Payload to send to endpoint. Defaults to :py:obj:`None`. :param string url: (optional) URL to send payload to. Defaults to the URL specified by :param:request. :returns: An :py:obj:`tuple` of (``response``, ``timestamp``), where ``response`` is a :py:obj:`dict` of the ``json`` response and ``timestamp`` is a :py:class:`~datetime.datetime` of the time the response was returned. :rtype: A :py:obj:`tuple`. :raises: :exc:`~chump.APIError` when the request or response is invalid. """ if data is None: data = {} data['token'] = self.token if url is None: url = ENDPOINT + REQUESTS[request]['path'] logger.debug('Making request ({request}): {data}'.format(request=request, data=data)) method = REQUESTS[request]['method'] try: if method == 'get': if data: url += '?' + urlencode(data) response = elif method == 'post': response =, bytes(urlencode(data), 'utf-8', 'strict') if data else None) except HTTPError as error_response: response = error_response response.__dict__['headers'] = error_response.hdrs response.content = logger.debug('Response ({code}):\n{headers}\n{content}'.format( code=response.code, headers=response.headers, content=response.content, )) if response.code == 200 or 400 <= response.code < 500: response_json = json.loads(response.content) timestamp = http_date_to_datetime(response.headers['date']) if 400 <= response.code < 500: raise APIError(url, data, response_json, timestamp) else: if request == 'message': self.limit = int(response.headers['X-Limit-App-Limit']) self.remaining = int(response.headers['X-Limit-App-Remaining']) self.reset = epoch_to_datetime(response.headers['X-Limit-App-Reset']) return (response_json, timestamp) else: raise APIError(url, data, { 'request': None, 'status': 0, 'errors': ['unknown error ({code}): {content}'.format(code=response.code, content=response.content)], }, timestamp)
[docs]class User(object): """ A Pushover user. The user is tied to a specific :class:`~chump.Application`, which can be changed later by setting :attr:`.app`. :param app: The Pushover application to send messages with. :type app: :class:`~chump.Application` :param string token: The user's API token. """ def __init__(self, app, token): = app #: The Pushover application to send messages with. self.token = token #: A :py:obj:`string` of the user's API token. self._is_authenticated = None self._devices = None @property def is_authenticated(self): """ A lazily loaded :py:obj:`bool` indicating whether the user is authenticated. """ if self._is_authenticated is None and is not False: self._authenticate() return is True and self._is_authenticated @is_authenticated.setter def is_authenticated(self, value): self._is_authenticated = value @property def devices(self): """ A lazily loaded a :py:class:`set` of the user's devices if authenticated, otherwise :py:obj:`None`. """ if self._devices is None and self._is_authenticated is not False and is not False: self._authenticate() return self._devices @devices.setter def devices(self, value): self._devices = value def __setattr__(self, name, value): try: if name == 'token': if not TOKEN_RE.match(value): raise ValueError('Bad user token: expected string matching r{pattern!r}, got {value!r}'.format(pattern=TOKEN_RE.pattern, value=value)) else: old_token = getattr(self, 'token', None) except TypeError: raise TypeError('Bad token: expected string, got {value_type}'.format(value_type=type(value))) super(User, self).__setattr__(name, value) if name == 'token' and self.token != old_token: super(User, self).__setattr__('_is_authenticated', None) super(User, self).__setattr__('_devices', None) def __unicode__(self): return "Pushover User: {token}".format(token=self.token) __str__ = __unicode__ def __repr__(self): return 'User(app={app!r}, token={token!r})'.format(, token=self.token) def __eq__(self, other): return isinstance(other, self.__class__) and self.token and self.token == other.token and == def __ne__(self, other): return not self.__eq__(other) def __lt__(self, other): return NotImplemented __le__ = __gt__ = __ge__ = __lt__ def _authenticate(self): """ Authenticates the supplied user token. """ try: response, _ ='validate', {'user': self.token}) except APIError as error: if 'token' in error.bad_inputs: # We can't authenticate users with a bad API token. = False = None self._is_authenticated = None self._devices = None else: = True if 'user' not in error.bad_inputs or error.bad_inputs['user'].startswith('valid'): self._is_authenticated = True self._devices = set() else: self._is_authenticated = False self._devices = None else: = True self._is_authenticated = True self._devices = set(response['devices'])
[docs] def create_message(self, message, html=False, title=None, timestamp=None, url=None, url_title=None, device=None, priority=NORMAL, callback=None, retry=30, expire=86400, sound=None): """ Creates a message to the User with :attr:`.app`. :param string message: Body for the message. :param bool html: Whether the message should be formatted as HTML. Defaults to :py:obj:`False`. :param string title: (optional) Title for the message. Defaults to :py:obj:`None`. :param timestamp: (optional) Date and time to give the message. Defaults to the time the message was created. :type timestamp: :py:class:`~datetime.datetime` or :py:obj:`int` :param string url: (optional) URL to include in the message. Defaults to :py:obj:`None`. :param string device: (optional) device from :attr:`.devices` to send to. Defaults to all of the user's devices. :param int priority: (optional) priority for the message. The constants :const:`~chump.LOWEST`, :const:`~chump.LOW`, :const:`~chump.NORMAL`, :const:`~chump.HIGH`, and :const:`~chump.EMERGENCY` may be used for convenience. Defaults to :const:`~chump.NORMAL`. :param string callback: (optional) If priority is :const:`~chump.EMERGENCY`, the URL to ping when the message is acknowledged. Defaults to :py:obj:`None`. :param int retry: (optional) If priority is :const:`~chump.EMERGENCY`, the number of seconds to wait between re-alerting the user. Must be greater than 30. Defaults to 30. :param int expire: (optional) If priority is :const:`~chump.EMERGENCY`, the number of seconds to retry before giving up on alerting the user. Must be less than 86400. Defaults to 86400. :param string sound: (optional) The sound from :attr:`.app.sounds` to play when the message is received. Defaults to the user's default sound. :returns: An unsent message. :rtype: A :class:`~chump.Message` or :class:`~chump.EmergencyMessage`. """ kwargs = locals().copy() kwargs.pop('self') if priority == EMERGENCY: message_class = EmergencyMessage kwargs.pop('priority') else: message_class = Message kwargs.pop('callback') kwargs.pop('retry') kwargs.pop('expire') return message_class(self, **kwargs)
[docs] def send_message(self, message, html=False, title=None, timestamp=None, url=None, url_title=None, device=None, priority=NORMAL, callback=None, retry=30, expire=86400, sound=None): """ Does the same as :meth:`.create_message`, but then sends the message with :attr:`.app`. :returns: A sent message. :rtype: A :class:`~chump.Message` or :class:`~chump.EmergencyMessage`. """ message = self.create_message( message, html, title, timestamp, url, url_title, device, priority, callback, retry, expire, sound, ) message.send() return message
[docs]class Message(object): """ A Pushover message. The message is tied to a specific :class:`~chump.Application`, and :class:`~chump.User`. All parameters are exposed as attributes on the message, for convenience. :param user: The user to send the message to. :type user: :class:`~chump.User` All other arguments are the same as in :meth:`User.create_message`. """ def __init__(self, user, message, html=False, title=None, timestamp=None, url=None, url_title=None, device=None, priority=0, sound=None): self.user = user self.message = message self.html = html self.title = title self.timestamp = timestamp self.url = url self.url_title = url_title self.device = device self.priority = priority self.sound = sound = None #: A :py:obj:`string` of the id of the message if sent, otherwise :py:obj:`None`. self.is_sent = False #: A :py:obj:`bool` indicating whether the message has been sent. self.sent_at = None #: A :py:class:`~datetime.datetime` of when the message was sent, otherwise :py:obj:`None`. self.error = None #: An :exc:`~chump.APIError` if there was an error sending the message, otherwise :py:obj:`None`. def __unicode__(self): if self.title: return "({title}) {message}".format(title=self.title, message=self.message) else: return self.message __str__ = __unicode__ def __eq__(self, other): return isinstance(other, self.__class__) and and == def __ne__(self, other): return not self.__eq__(other) def __lt__(self, other): return NotImplemented __le__ = __gt__ = __ge__ = __lt__ def __setattr__(self, name, value): if name == 'html': try: value = int(value) except ValueError: raise TypeError('Bad html: expected bool, got {value_type}'.format(value_type=type(value))) else: if value not in (0, 1): raise TypeError('Bad html: expected bool, got {value_type} that is not coercible to (0, 1)'.format(value_type=type(value))) elif name in ('message', 'title', 'url', 'url_title', 'device', 'callback', 'sound'): if value is not None: if not isinstance(value, basestring): raise TypeError('Bad {name}: expected string, got {type}'.format(name=name, type=type(value))) elif name == 'message' and not (0 < len(value) <= 1024): raise ValueError('Bad message: must be 0-1024 characters, was {length}'.format(length=len(value))) if name == 'title' and len(value) > 250: raise ValueError('Bad title: must be <= 250 characters, was {length}'.format(length=len(value))) elif name == 'url' and len(value) > 512: raise ValueError('Bad url: must be <= 512 characters, was {length}'.format(length=len(value))) elif name == 'url_title' and len(value) > 100: raise ValueError('Bad url_title: must be <= 100 characters, was {length}'.format(length=len(value))) elif name == 'device': if not DEVICE_RE.match(value): raise ValueError('Bad device: expected string matching r{pattern!r}, got {value!r}'.format(pattern=DEVICE_RE.pattern, value=value)) elif self.user.is_authenticated: if value not in self.user.devices: raise ValueError('Bad device: must be in ({devices}), was {value!r}'.format( devices=', '.join(repr(s) for s in sorted(self.user.devices)), value=value, )) else: logger.warning('Unverified device: {ancestor} is unauthenticated, {value!r} may be bad'.format( ancestor='application' if is False else 'user', value=value )) elif name == 'sound': if if value not in raise ValueError('Bad sound: must be in ({sounds}), was {value!r}'.format( sounds=', '.join(repr(s) for s in sorted(, value=value, )) else: logger.warning('Unverified sound: application is unauthenticated, {value!r} may be bad'.format(value=value)) elif name == 'priority': try: value = int(value) except ValueError: raise TypeError('Bad {name}: expected int, got {type}'.format(name=name, type=type(value))) elif name == 'timestamp': if value is not None: try: if not isinstance(value, datetime): value = epoch_to_datetime(value) except (TypeError, ValueError): raise TypeError('Bad timestamp: expected valid int or datetime, got {value_type}.'.format(value_type=type(value))) elif name == 'priority': try: if not -2 <= int(value) <= 2: raise ValueError('Bad priority: must be between -2 and 2, was {value!r}'.format(value=value)) except TypeError: raise TypeError('Bad priority: expected int, got {value_type}.'.format(value_type=type(value))) super(Message, self).__setattr__(name, value)
[docs] def send(self): """ Sends the message. If called after the message has been sent, resends it. :returns: A :py:obj:`bool` indicating if the message was successfully sent. :rtype: A :py:obj:`bool`. """ = None self.is_sent = False self.sent_at = None self.error = None data = { 'user': self.user.token, } for kwarg in ('message', 'html', 'title', 'url', 'url_title', 'device', 'priority', 'sound', 'retry', 'expire', 'callback'): if getattr(self, kwarg, None): data[kwarg] = getattr(self, kwarg) if self.timestamp: data['timestamp'] = datetime_to_epoch(self.timestamp) try: # We've got to store this somewhere so that EmergencyMessage can check it for a receipt. self._response, self.sent_at ='message', data) except APIError as error: self.is_sent = False self.error = error # This could be handled by calling {user,app}._authenticate, but that's two extra requests. if 'token' in error.bad_inputs: = False = None self.user._is_authenticated = None self.user._devices = None elif 'user' in error.bad_inputs: self.user._is_authenticated = False self.user._devices = None else: self.is_sent = True self.user._is_authenticated = True = True = self._response['request'] return self.is_sent
[docs]class EmergencyMessage(Message): """ An emergency Pushover message, (that is, a message with the priority of :const:`~chump.EMERGENCY`). All arguments are the same as in :class:`~chump.Message`, with the additions of ``callback``, ``retry``, and ``timeout``, which are all, too, as defined in :meth:`User.create_message`. """ def __init__(self, user, message, html=False, title=None, timestamp=None, url=None, url_title=None, device=None, sound=None, callback=None, retry=30, expire=86400): priority = EMERGENCY super(EmergencyMessage, self).__init__( user, message, html, title, timestamp, url, url_title, device, priority, sound ) self.callback = callback self.retry = retry self.expire = expire self.receipt = None #: A :py:obj:`string` of the receipt returned by the endpoint, for polling. self.last_polled_at = None #: A :py:class:`~datetime.datetime` of when the message was last polled. self.last_delivered_at = None #: A :py:class:`~datetime.datetime` of when the message was last delivered. self.is_acknowledged = None #: A :py:obj:`bool` indicating whether the message has been acknowledged. self.acknowledged_at = None #: A :py:class:`~datetime.datetime` of when the message was acknowledged, otherwise :py:obj:`None`. self.acknowledged_by = None #: A :class:`~chump.User` of the first user to have acknowledged the notification, otherwise :py:obj:`None`. self.is_expired = None #: A :py:obj:`bool` indicating whether the message has expired. self.expires_at = None #: A :py:class:`~datetime.datetime` of when the message expires. self.is_called_back = None #: A :py:obj:`bool` indicating whether the message has been called back. self.called_back_at = None #: A :py:class:`~datetime.datetime` of when the message was called back, otherwise :py:obj:`None`. def __eq__(self, other): return isinstance(other, self.__class__) and self.receipt and self.receipt == other.receipt def __ne__(self, other): return not self.__eq__(other) def __setattr__(self, name, value): if name in ('retry', 'expire'): try: value = int(value) except ValueError: raise TypeError('Bad {name}: expected int, got {type}'.format(name=name, type=type(value))) if name == 'retry' and value < 30: raise ValueError('Bad retry: must be >= 30, was {value}'.format(value=value)) elif name == 'expire' and not 0 < value <= 86400: raise ValueError('Bad expire: must be 0-86400, was {value}'.format(value=value)) super(EmergencyMessage, self).__setattr__(name, value)
[docs] def send(self): """ Sends the message. If called after the message has been sent, resends it. :returns: A :py:obj:`bool` indicating if the message was successfully sent. :rtype: A :py:obj:`bool`. """ self.receipt = None self.last_delivered_at = None self.is_acknowledged = None self.acknowledged_at = None self.acknowledged_by = None self.is_expired = None self.expires_at = None self.is_called_back = None self.called_back_at = None super(EmergencyMessage, self).send() if self.is_sent: self.receipt = self._response['receipt'] self.poll() # Poll immediately to fill attributes. return self.is_sent
[docs] def poll(self): """ Polls for the results of the sent message. If the message has not been sent, does so. :returns: A :py:obj:`bool` indicating if the message has not expired, called back nor been acknowledged, or :py:obj:`None` if the message has no receipt with which to poll. :rtype: A :py:obj:`bool` or :py:obj:`None`. """ if not self.is_sent: self.send() if self.receipt: if not (self.is_expired and self.is_acknowledged and self.is_called_back): self._response, self.last_polled_at ='receipt', url='{endpoint}{path}{receipt}.json'.format( endpoint=ENDPOINT, path=REQUESTS['receipt']['path'], receipt=self.receipt, )) for attr in ('acknowledged', 'expired', 'called_back'): setattr(self, 'is_{attr}'.format(attr=attr), bool(self._response[attr])) for attr_at in ('acknowledged_at', 'expires_at', 'called_back_at', 'last_delivered_at'): if self._response[attr_at]: setattr(self, attr_at, epoch_to_datetime(self._response[attr_at])) if self._response['acknowledged_by']: if self._response['acknowledged_by'] == self.user.token: self.acknowledged_by = self.user else: self.acknowledged_by =['acknowledged_by']) return not (self.is_acknowledged or self.is_expired) else: return None
[docs] def cancel(self): """ Cancels the request for acknowledgment of a sent message. :returns: A :py:obj:`bool` indicating if the message was successfully cancelled. :rtype: A :py:obj:`bool`. """ self._response, self.last_polled_at ='cancel', url='{endpoint}{path}{receipt}/cancel.json'.format( endpoint=ENDPOINT, path=REQUESTS['receipt']['path'], receipt=self.receipt, )) return bool(self._response['status'])